Wednesday, October 30, 2013

In November, We Wear Purple!

On February 14, 1993 my life changed forever.  I would no longer be known as Kayla Marie Acker but rather Kayla Marie Welch. Two of the most wonderful and loving people took me into their life and made me one of their own, part of their family, their daughter. They changed my life for the better and, because of what they have done, I have been able to achieve my dreams and be loved like no other.

November is Adoption Awareness MonthNovember is the beginning of Adoption Awareness Month. Many people when they hear the term “adoption,” relate it to the famous film “Annie.” However, that is not an accurate portrayal of adoption. Adoption is a very emotional journey. It is a long legal process where children, who will no longer be raised by their birth parents, become permanent and legal members of another family while still possessing the genetics and developmental traits of their birth family.

Since I was adopted, like other children, I know it’s an ongoing emotional process. Many children, like myself, go through a lot of emotions such as feeling unwanted, questions about their birth family, identity problems, and self-esteem issues. Although, many different issues occur to children who are adopted, it is always brighter at the end of the rainbow and you can get through it!

It wasn’t until this past summer that I actually shared my story with others. I used to be embarrassed and ashamed of being adopted. I thought that I was a freak, a misfit, and my parents didn’t want me. Since I found out that I was adopted when I was fifteen, telling people I was adopted was something that I kept to myself, but now I share my story. I let others know that whatever you are going through, you can get through it. All that is unique about you just makes you that much more beautiful a part of the world. So embrace your differences and share your story!

Wear your purple and represent Adoption Awareness Month!

- Kayla Welch

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