Thursday, February 27, 2014


Hi everyone! It’s Tye and I’m back with some thoughts on one event that I’m super excited for… NSO2. If some of you don’t know what that means, it stands for New Student Orientation Part 2. It’s where you see a bunch of students dressed up in some really bright colors, jumping around. Well it’s a little more than that but I can’t spoil all the surprises.

NSO2 is when all the freshmen students are helped with move in and we run events throughout the weekend before their classes start. This year we are super excited because we have a large group of Orientation Leaders. Some of you may have applied to be OL's so I hope to see you soon.

This is my favorite part of the year because we really get to put the Penn State Pride into the freshmen, and a lot of times we help them make their first friends. It’s honestly one of the best experiences I’ve had and, looking back on my own orientation, I can say I am so extremely fortunate to be part of the planning process for other students. I can’t give too much away, but I would like to introduce you to the captains. This great group of people are some of my favorite on campus and they have become some really great friends.

OL Captains

Til Next Time This is a Captain Signing Off- Tye 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Passion in Life

Katie with her cameraEveryone has that one hobby, one activity, or thing that they live for. Whatever this is, it allows people to relax and to escape from reality for a period of time. It facilitates relaxation and brings more confidence to the person involved in that activity. Everyone has that one “passion”.

My “passion” in life is photography.

The feel of the smooth plastic of the camera in my hands, mixed with the click of the shutter closing and opening, and capturing that moment of time in order for it to be preserved forever…It’s like a rush. It’s a thrill, that exhilarates my soul and when that million-dollar moment is captured, and reviewed, my smile extends farther than my face… into my heart.

The enthusiasm we put into our “passions” is unmatched, and can’t be described. We strive over perfection of all details, and giving 125%, one hundred percent of the time. It reflects the best that each of us has to offer and shapes us into better people.

But, what about everything else? What about every other hobby, activity, and even chore that we also participate in? These are the activities that, unlike our “passion” in life, we merely complete, but not necessarily excel at or really care about.

Consider the power of your “passion”. What goes through your mind as you select the colors for your next painting? Or the mindset you have before your basketball game, or even baseball game?

Now imagine trying to apply that motivation into other things you do. Maybe toward things in your everyday life, such as daily activities or chores. Picture you completing those activities with the same kind of enthusiasm you show during your “passion”.  Its mind blowing, isn’t it?

Applying that kind of passion may not be as hard as you think!

Here’s an example of a picture that my mom posted on my Facebook wall the other day, because she knew I was having a rough week. It cheered me up right away.

Life is like a cameraIt was a photo of a camera, and it said this phrase on it:

“Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important. Capture the good times. Develop from the negatives. And, if things don’t work out- just take another shot”.  

When I saw this post on my wall I held my breath. It made perfect sense. When I considered these words, described in “photography terms”, the message clicked in my mind like it had never clicked before.

Ever since then, I feel as though I've had a more positive look on life. It was really easy, almost like a teacher describing a math problem. I’m no math major, but I know that for some subjects in math, there may be more than one approach to solve an equation.  It was like my mom was the math professor, and she said, “Here, try solving the equation this way instead!” when she posted that picture. If one way doesn't click, just keep trying!

Once you find that method of solving the equation, so to speak, the results will be astounding. So keep trying to convert your passion into everyday life, and let the results blow your mind!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Don't Pass on Class!

Heyyo fellow interwebians!!! I'm here to talk about actually ATTENDING CLASSES in college! (Crazy right?!) But seriously you would be amazed to find out that many students don't actually attend their classes as regularly as they should. Believe it or not, how much you attend classes has an effect on your grades, it's been scientifically proven (trust me). Those who attend class get better grades.

Skipping Class is Bad and You Should Feel Bad

Consider this readers, if you (or a parent) are leasing a new car for you to drive, and you don't drive it, are you getting your money's worth out of the vehicle? NO! That is the same with your schooling! Someone, be it yourself, parents, grandmother, deceased great aunt, Uncle Sam, or even good old "anonymous benefactor", is paying A LOT of money for you to come to school. Do yourself, and whoever is investing in your future, a favor and go to your "super boring" 50-minute lecture on North America birds! In the long run your grades will improve, your career options will broaden, and your wallet will grow fatter...FOR THE GLORY!

Wallet stuffed with money

Friday, February 7, 2014

Jeanine’s Top 10 Things to Do on a Snow Day!

Hi everyone! I hope you have all been staying warm in this chilly, winter wonderland weather we’ve been having as of late! It seems like we won’t ever have a full week of school thanks to our good friend Mr. Groundhog seeing his shadow! Six more weeks of winter and I can confidently say we haven’t seen the last of the snowy weather. With that being said, I came up with a Top 10 list of things to do on a snow day at Penn State Berks! I hope when you get here, it helps give you some ideas!

1. Watch Movies! Seems simple enough but in college you’re always so busy that we don’t always get the luxury of watching a movie. Whether it’s watching Netflix with friends or renting seasons of the Office from the library, using a snow day to snuggle in your bed with a cup of hot chocolate is definitely one of my favorite things to do!

Pile of snow day movies

2. Nerf Battles! Don’t feel like being lazy? The RAs and residents turn the Res Halls into the ultimate Nerf battlefield. Grab your ammo and favorite Nerf Gun (By the way, put this on your “Things for my Room” list) and head out to play. There’s tons of ways to find out when the battles are going on so make sure you check your email and facebook. These battles are no joke, check out the link my friend Devin sent me of the latest battle:

3. Build a Snowfriend! Let’s be honest, college students are only a small step up from being little kids. Add snow to this mix and you and your suitemates are sure to be bundling up to go build your own snowfriend (snowfriend because there are snow girls too)!

4. Catch up on school work! I know this sounds super not fun but how often do you get a day where all your classes are cancelled and you can just relax! If you’re behind in any classes or need to get ahead, turn on some music and get to work! Even if you only work for like an hour or two imagine how much you could get done!

5. Arts and Crafts! Been pinning different things on pinterest and just haven’t had the time to do it? What’s better than getting crafty and making some decorations for your room? I made a collage for my room the last snow day we had and it is awesome! Nothing better than adding some personality to your room while having fun!
Insurgent book cover

6. Read a Book! You’re thinking that you do enough reading for classes, right? Well, what I mean is, read a book you actually like! I have gotten much further ahead in Insurgent on my snow day because I had time to relax! Getting wrapped up in a good book is one of the best things that you can do!

7. Play football in the Snow! Want to be outside with your friends? Grab a football and head to Luerssen field. There’s always a snow football game going on! It’s so much fun to run around and let all that pent up energy out! Let’s be honest, no one wants to be cooped up inside all day!

8. Take a Nap! I’m sorry, but what a better way to spend some time on a snowy day! Close your door, cuddle up with some blankets, and take a nap! It’s important to stay rested and with the craziness of catching up in classes, it’s important to get some shut eye! Indulge! You won’t feel guilty, I promise!

Cat nap

9. Go Sledding! What’s better than bundling up and heading outside and going sledding? Grab some friends and some sleds (this is college, being friends with engineering major might pay off if you don’t have a sled) and get out there. There are tons of great spots on campus or right across the street at Gring’s Mill!

10. Take a walk around campus! Snow is pretty! Let’s be honest. Our campus is also very pretty! Enjoy the beauty of both and take a walk. Whether you go alone or with friends, explore! Take pictures, make snow angels, whatever, but go enjoy outside! Snow days don’t happen all that often so take advantage of it!


Snow day!