Thursday, January 31, 2013

James McCarty - The Last Semester

To conclude the fall semester, I decided to attend graduation. There were many of my friends within the Applied Psychology major that walked across the stage, and it was really a life changing moment for me. It made me realize that I only had one semester left at Penn State Berks–one last semester of classes, one last semester of near and dear friends, one last semester of memories. I have taken a different approach to my last semester: I have been living life in overdrive for my past seven semesters, and I am really planning to take in as much as possible throughout my last semester. I have really alleviated my cluttered schedule to enjoy the limited time I have remaining.

This year has truly been a blessing to me. I applied to study abroad in Germany, and was selected to be a part of the trip. I went on the same trip last year, and had one of the best experiences of my life. We will be spending twenty-two days in southern Germany in different schools. We will be in different types of schools in different cities, which will include visiting Freiburg University in Freiburg, an elementary school in Melsungen (Christian-Bitter Schule), and a middle school in Hanau (Die HoheLandesSchule). We will also be visiting some of Germany’s most cultural antiquities, which include King Ludwig of Bavaria’s fairytale castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau, as well as the Buchenwald Concentration Camp.

This will be a phenomenal experience, which will benefit me in numerous ways for my future. I hope to become a psychologist in a private practice, as well as a college professor. This experience will help to give me a more globalized outlook within the two fields I hope to work in. Even up through my last days as a Penn State Berks student, I will still be making memories that will last a lifetime! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Darrell Marrow Bids a Fond Farewell to Berks

As I reflect on my time as a student at Penn State Berks, I am most grateful for the opportunities I received. I am now attending Penn State University Park, but Berks will always be home. It seems like just yesterday that the highly spirited Orientation Leaders were helping me move into the residence halls. Within the first few minutes of arriving to campus, I knew that the staff and faculty at Berks cared much about the success of their students. For five semesters Penn State Berks was a second home to me.

Darrell and his roommate Josh

Because Berks has fewer students than University Park, I was able to build strong relationships with other students and faculty members. Coming from a small high school–with a graduating class of fewer than 200 students–I was worried about the adjustment to college. I was surprised to discover than the classroom size was not overwhelming and that the learning atmosphere allowed students to participate in class without feeling pressured.

Darrell and fellow LA's Dayna and Josh

The great thing about Berks is that over time, I got to know many of my professors well from having had them in class previous semesters. My favorite professor, Dr. Kesha Morant Williams, Assistant Professor of Communication Arts & Sciences, played a large role in why I decided to major in Communication Arts & Sciences. Dr. Williams’ class allowed students to gain an understanding of various communication concepts through use of real life experiences; this was very helpful.

Darrell and Teri Sabatelli, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid

Although I am happy here at U.P., I will always appreciate the values I gained as a student at Berks. Being told by faculty and staff that I will be missed at Berks validates the strong sense of community at the campus. I will miss most all of the amazing Lion Ambassadors (LAs). Being a part of an organization that dedicates its time to representing Penn State Berks was unlike anything I have ever experienced. The people I met as an LA quickly became family. We laughed and cried together, sharing memories and life experiences that strengthened our bond as a group. For this, and so much more, I thank the Lion Ambassadors and Teri Sabatelli, their adviser and Director of Admissions & Financial Aid. =)